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Q: Did Marie curie get along with her siblings well?
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How did curium get its name?

Curium was named after Marie and Pierre Curie. The element was not discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie, but Curium is radioactive and Marie and Pierre Curie were well known for their pioneering work regarding radioactivity.

Who invents radium?

No one 'invented' radium; it is an element on the periodic table. Radium was discovered, however, by Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Pierre Curie and Gustave Bémont in 1898.

What element on the periodic table is named after a female scientist?

Curium. Marie Curie, discoverer of radioactivity.

Who are the most well known famous girl chemists?

Marie Curie.

Who were the women who studied about nuclear?

Marie Curie and her daughter Irene Joliot-Curie were probably the first well-known female nuclear scientists.

What were interests of Marie curie?

Well she liked science that's why she was studying it and also mathematics

Who was Marie curie dad?

Bronisława Skłodowski, a well known teacher from Warsaw, Poland.

What math did Marie Curie do?

When Marie Curie was attending Sorbonne University, her fist degree was in Physics. Because she did so well, they offered her a scholarship and then she completed a degree in mathematics. She didn't really need to but it helped her physics.

What element did Pierre and Marie Curie discover in 1898?

In July of 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered polonium. Just five months later, in December of 1898, they went on to discover radium as well.

What element was the first element to be discovered by Marie Curie?

The name curium is derived from the name of the well known family of scientists - Curie.

How is Marie curie's life now?

Well if you are referring to Marie Sklodowska Curie, the french physicist, her life is not going very well, because she is dead. Marie Curie died on July 4, 1934 at the Sancellemoz Sanatorium in eastern France. She died from aplastic anemia, which is contracted from exposure to radiation. At the time of her life, the dangers of radiation were not known, and a great deal of her life work had dealt with radiation contact without proper safety gear.

What was Marie Curie's husband named?

His name was Pierre Curie.He was a French physicist who was well known and highly regarded in the fields of crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity.He was born on May 15, 1859 in Paris, France.He died on April 19, 1906 in Paris, France.Pierre and Marie both jointly discovered radium and polonium.