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Q: Did Mendel's finding support the theory of blending?
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What Happened to Mendels papers when he died?

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What theory did Mendel disprove?

The theory of the blending of genes to form new organisms in reproduction.

What of Mendels conclusions is a necessary foundation for Darwins theory of natural selection?

There are alternate versions of a gene.

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How does Mendel theory of inheritance support Darwins theory of natural selection?

By giving the theory a mechanism of inheritance. Particulate inheritance, where each parent contributes chromosomes ( Mendel dod not know what a chromosome was and called genes " factors " ) that contain separate alleles that contribute to the progeny's traits. Darwin's idea of " blending " inheritance was completely wrong.

Did Mendel make a major contribution to the cell theory?

Yes. Gregor Mendels 3 Principals of Inheritance show the transmission of genetic traits.

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It is generally thought to support the Theory of Evolution.

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Red shift does not support the steady state theory.