

Did Minato Still alive

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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it is suspected that minato is still alive and didnt die when he sealed the kyubi but nobody knows yet cause it hasn't been made

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Q: Did Minato Still alive
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If you haven't read chapter 370 of Naruto yet, please, don't read anything below the solid line near the bottom. . . ______________________________________________________________ Minato is Naruto's father. So, of course, Minato's son is still alive. If he wasn't, the series would obviously be over. XXXX@:::::::::::::::::::::>

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This is actually a very hard question to answer (or at least it is in my opinion). At the time when he was alive, Minato Namikaze was, in fact, the strongest shinobi alive. However, now that he has been dead and gone for some time now, other ninja have had the chance to grow and progress in their skills. Madara is now stronger then Minato because he gained the rinnegan. When Naruto's mom was telling him about his fathers death she showed that Minato beat Madara, but then the nine tailed fox got involed resulting in Minato's death. So before Madara got his rinnegan Minato was stronger.

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Who would win between Minato and Madara?

Ah, classic question. Um, some spoilers under here if you do not know much about the manga/anime Naruto... If Minato was alive and Madara had his normal powers, Madara would win, obviously. He is a demon when it came to power~ But Minato is not alive, and Madara does not have his normal powers because the first Hokage damaged him alot... '-' So... yeah... Madara would. -Cami-senpai.

Is minato alive?

Nope! He died when he was fighting the nine-tails! Actually he seald himself and the 9 tails inside of Naruto! so yeah, he kinds is alive. . .inside of naruto. But no, not really.

Explain the assembly when did they meet why did they meet where did they meet?

It is unknown when Minato and Kushina had met. But is also unknown if Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki are alive. If they are it would make the whole anime interesting and more worth watching don't you think so?

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Its Minato Namikaze not Kai Minato, and he is the Father of Naruto and also the 4th Hokage

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still alive still alive still alive

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