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Claudio Monteverdi was an Italian composer, singer and Roman Catholic priest. He was born on May 9, 1567. No, Monteverdi did not go blind before his death.

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Q: Did Monteverdi go blind before his death?
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Did Monteverdi went blind before his death?

No, Monteverdi did not go blind before his death. He continued to compose music and conduct performances until his death in 1643.

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Could eye cosmetics ever cause blindness and death?

well, if you poke your eye with the mascara brush, then yes you can go blind. And I also suppose that if you got mascara in your eye you could go blind. Therefore, yes.

How can you go instantly blind?

everything can go blind in a waycan you go blind if you stay in the darkness?yes

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Bach became blind by over-straining his eyes whilst operating a laptop computer with his monitor brightness turned too far down. In 1749 (one year before his death) Bach became totally blind.

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I Go Blind was created in 1986.

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no,but they can go blind

When Beethoven went blind?

He did not go blind.

Can you go blind from smoking?

yes! smoking can make you go blind. How? there are over 3,000 chemical's that go into your bloodstream which could make you have poor eyesight/go blind.

How long on earth can you look at the sun before you are blind?

Most likely 100 minutesNot very long at all. The sun can damage your retina within seconds of direct exposure.It is nowhere near 100 minutes. It takes 20 seconds looking directly at the sun before you start to go blind, and 30 seconds before at least 1 eye is blind.

Can you go blind if you open your eyes or shut them as hard as you can or twitch hard?

No you will not go blind but you will only experience pain sometimes when you twitch hard because your eyelids will slightly alter your eye lenses for a short period before you open your eye.

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Anything can go blind