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Yes they did because there stupid

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Q: Did North Carolina trade any commodities with other colony?
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What was the colony like in North Carolina?

The government in the colony of North Carolina was similar to the other colonies. These governments were run as English governments with structures from England.

What was government like in the North Carolina colony?

The government in the colony of North Carolina was similar to the other colonies. These governments were run as English governments with structures from England.

What happens to North Carolina the first colony?

The first colony was in north America and not in north Carolina was found in 1585 And by sir Walter Raleigh and war started and it was destroyed by other people thet wanted them to suffer

Was North Carolina a tobacco colony?

Yes they planted tobacco and other cash crops.

The development of the Carolina colony was notable in that?

the north and south were economically and socially distinct from each other

What differentiated the colony of South Carolina from Britains other North American colonies when it came to slavery?


What did people in North Carolina colony wear?

The wore wool clothing, and other animal skins were used as well.

When were the carolinas founded and how were their economies different from each other?

The Carolinas were founded in 1663. In 1712 North and South Carolina became separate colonies. Most of the colonists in North Carolina were farmers who had moved south from Virginia. Unlike Virginia, North Carolina had few plantations. The colony had no towns and few churches until the early 1700s. In 1719 the British government bought South Carolina from the original proprietors. The Crown thn bought north carolina in 1729 making it royal colony as well.

What was daily life like in colonial North Carolina for regular colonists?

The average day life of a North Carolina colonist was pretty similar to that of any other colonist from another colony.The average colonist from North Carolina was most likely a farmer though. If not a farmer than probobly a lumberjack. There were not many other jobs to do around the colony at that time though.

What was the main religion in south in the 1600s?

The dominant religion in the South Carolina colony in the 1700s was Anglican. There were other faiths in existence there and all religions were mostly tolerated.

What is the difference of the southern colony than the other colonies?

it would be North Carolina because it lacked a strong commitment to the institution of slavery, very different from the other southern colonies

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