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Sailed from Troy on his way home after a raid on Ismarus,

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Q: Did Odysseus and his crew sail from troy?
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odysseus crew perishes

Odysseus crew succesfully sail past the sirens by?

By Putting Wax In Their Ears.

How did Odysseus's crew successfully sail past the Sirens?

putting wax in their ears

Did Odysseus save his company?

Those of Odysseus' crew who survived Troy all died on the voyage back to Ithaca.

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Right after they left Troy, Odysseus and his crew raided the capital of the Kikones tribe

How does Odysseus save his crew from sirens song?

he made his crew put wax earplugs in their ears. he himself wanted to hear the sirens beautiful music, so he asked his crew to tie him to the mast, the foundation of a sail. Odysseus's crew ties Odysseus very tightly to the mast, and disarmed him. When the were going past the sirens, Odysseus was screaming and yelling at his crew to let him go to the sirens. The crew obviously did not hear him because they had the wax ear plugs. That is how Odysseus saved his crew from the sirens.

How do Odysseus and his shipmates safely sail past the sirens?

All the crew except Odysseus fill their ears with wax, and Odysseus is tied to the mast so he can't try to steer the ship or jump overboard.

What danger do scylla and charybdis pose to Odysseus and his crew?

Both of them threaten to kill both Odysseus and his crew. However, there is no way past except to sail past at least one of them. Charybdis is the bigger danger, as it threatens to destroy the entire ship.

What was the first trial Odysseus faced?

After Odysseus' triumph at the battle of Troy, on his way home to Ithaca, Poseidon punished Odysseus for his cruel selfishness by banishing him on the island of the Cicones where him and his crew slaughtered many men and raped the women there.

What is odysseus trying to do in the odysses?

He is trying to sail from Troy (west coast of Turkey) to his home on the island of Ithaca, off the west coast of Greece.

How was Eurylochus important to Greek Mythology?

Eurylochus was part of Odysseus' returning crew after the destruction of Troy. He convinced the crew to eat some of Helius' sacred cattle; this caused a lot of problems.