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It seems possible for Oskar Schindler to bring the Jews into his factory and not want to save them, which is echoed throughout Thomas Keneally's book Schindlers Ark and Steven Speilbergs portrayal of Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List. However is it evidential proof that Oskar in the end saved around 1200 Jews from the Nazi's and it seems more logical to believe that he employed these Jews in his factory to protect them from those who did not share his belief such as Nazi SS member Amon Goeth. It is more simple and understandable to believe that Oskar only claimed the Schindlerjuden as essential workers that were nessessary for his factory's production and that he employed them to save them from a more disasterous fate of continued forced labour as Plaszow or certain death after a relocation to the Nazi death camps, most noticeably Auschwitz. There was no business motive for Oskar when he continued to look after and protect the Schindlerjuden, even at times, for example, when the Schindlerfrauen were sent to Auschwitz instead of Brinnlitz. Oskar's only motive to employing the Jews and bringing them into his factory was to save them and give them a chance of a second life after the end of the Second World War.

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Q: Did Oskar Schindler want to save the Jews when he employed them in his factory?
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Oskar Schindler saved almost 1,200 Jews during WWII.

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Oskar Schindler worked for Adolf Hitler as a Nazi during the holocaust during WWII. He saved aprox. 1.1 thousand Jews by sending them to freedom and comfort in Poland where he had a factory.

Who is Oskar Schindler and did he save any Jewish lives?

-Oskar Schindler is a Catholic Nazi who saved the lives of over 1,100 Jews by employing them in his factory -His accountant is a Jew named Itzhak Stern -His wife is Emilie

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If Oskar Schindler got caught helping the Jews, he would be killed.

What did oskar schindler do for living?

Oskar Schindler was an industrialist for a living. During the Holocaust he was responsible for saving 1,200 Jews from execution.

That man who put thousands of Jews in a factory to save tham?

It was Oskar Schindler funnily enough though he was a member of the Nazi party

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