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Two from Demeter: with Poseidon came Despoine, a mystery goddess; Khrysothemis of Krete, whose father was Karmanor.

From Zeus her divine sisters were:

The Fates: Klotho, Lakhesis, Atropos (by Themis)

The Hora: Eunomia, Dike, Eirene (by Themis)

The Graces: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalie (by Eunomiaor Eurynome)

The Muses: Kalliope, Kleio, Ourania, Thaleia, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Erato, Euterpe, Terpsikhore. (by Mnemosyne)

Artemis (by Leto)

Hebe, Eileithyia, Enyo/Eris (by Hera)

Athena (by Metis)

Aphrodite (by Dione)

Melinoe (by Persephone)

Ate (by Eris)

The Litae (unknown mother)

Alatheia (mother unknown)

Harmonia (by Electra)

Britomartis (by Karme)

Pandeia, Nemea, Herse, Ersa (by Selene)

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Q: Did Persephone the goddess of the Underworld have any sisters if so what were their names?
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