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Q: Did Sacajawea have children with Jerk Meat?
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How many children Sacajawea had?

Sacajawea had one child

Is my sister a jerk?

Most children think their siblings are either strange, annoying or a jerk.

Was Sacajawea a princess?

Sacajawea was a shoshone Indian princess.One day when Sacajawea and her brother were hunting the minnetaree Indians attacked their shoshone village.They killed Sacajawea's father and captured Sacajawea,other children and women.So she went from being a princess to slave.After when she was to old to be a slave they traded her to charbonneanu who was a trapper in canda. . Sacajawea's shoshone name was Boinai which meant ''Grass Maiden. The name Sacajawea ment ''Bird Woman''.

What insulting word is actually the name of a spicy Jamaican grilled meat?

Jerk, like beef jerky_ that is a spicy grilled meat.

Did Sacajawea have any children?

yes Sacajawea had a child. she had it on her back when she was leading Lewis and Clark on there expedition. she was very strong and nurtured the child whild she was also helping them the entire time!

Where did Sacagaweas baby live?

Sacajawea's children grew up with her on the ship but Lewis and clark mainly looked after them.

What was a role of Sacajawea in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Sacajawea was the guide and translator. Also the fact that she had a baby demonstrated that the expedition was "peaceful" and not a war party, as native american war parties never traveled with women and children.

What was a role of Sacajawea in Lewis and Clark expedition?

Sacajawea was the guide and translator. Also the fact that she had a baby demonstrated that the expedition was "peaceful" and not a war party, as native american war parties never traveled with women and children.

What was a role Sacajawea in the Lewis and clark expedition?

Sacajawea was the guide and translator. Also the fact that she had a baby demonstrated that the expedition was "peaceful" and not a war party, as native american war parties never traveled with women and children.

What was A role of Sacajawea the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Sacajawea was the guide and translator. Also the fact that she had a baby demonstrated that the expedition was "peaceful" and not a war party, as native american war parties never traveled with women and children.

Who or what did clark do to help Sacagawea's children?

after Sacajawea died clark got custody of her kids and rasised them like they where his own

Who was Sacajawea family?

yes Sacajawea does have family