

Did Shakespeare change his religion

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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According to my English teacher, he changed from Catholic to Protestant

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Q: Did Shakespeare change his religion
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What is William Shakespeare's main religion?

I think that William shakespeare was catholic.

Did Shakespeare write about religion?

Yes. lots.

What relgon was around in Shakespeare?

The religion in England was Anglican

What was the religion at that time when romeo and Juliet was set in Italy?

All of the characters in Romeo and Juliet were Roman Catholics. That was and is the religion of the vast majority of Italians. It was not the official religion of England in Shakespeare's day, and Shakespeare was officially an Anglican, as everyone had to be by law.

What religon was around when shakespeare was?

Christianity was the main religion in his time

What was William Shakespeare's religion and background?

There is some scholarly debate over Shakespeare's religion. While on paper he was classified as an Anglican many of his works have Catholic Sympathies and images leading many experts to believe that Shakespeare was actually a practicing Catholic and not Anglican.

What specific religion was Shakespeare?

Church of England. Everyone in England was, officially.

What is the official established state religion in Shakespeare's time?

The Church of England

What was Shylock's religion?

Shylock, a character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, was a Jew.

What was the predominant religion during Shakespeare's life?

It depended where you were. In China, it was Confucianism. In North Africa, it was Islam. In Italy, it was Catholicism. And in England, where Shakespeare was, the only legal religion was the Church of England, a form of Protestant Christianity.

What was Shakespeare's wives religion?

First, to be clear, Shakespeare had only one wife, not wives. Anne Shakespeare, like everyone else in England at the time, belonged to the Church of England.

What was Shakespeare's religion?

Shakespeare, like everyone in England at his time was required to be by law, was a member of the church of England, in which church he was baptised, married and buried. What his opinions on that were he was smart enough not to disclose.