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Q: Did The Coolidge administration brought cuts in government spending and taxes?
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Who brought an appreciation of the fine arts to the Kennedy administration? Who brought an appreciation of the fine arts to the Kennedy administration?

What event brought Coolidge national fame?

He was Famous for Seeing in God.

Did Calvin Coolidge have a cane?

He did have a cane, but he didn't really need it. He just brought it with him, but i'm not sure why

How does the scientific method help the government?

Insead of spending time considering things that aren't justifiable, objective, consistent or based in reality, they can focus on things that are. Not to mention the advances in the entirety of life that science has brought.

Brought an appreciation of the fine arts to the Kennedy administration?

Jacqueline Kennedy

Who brought an apreciation of the fine arts to the Kennedy administration?

Jacqueline Kennedy

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No American victory brought down a British government.

The great depression was ended the increased spending and work opportunities brought on by?

it was because of ww1

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What are the 6 British contributions to India?

During the reign of the British government they brought changes in the political system in the country. India was brought under a single administration and later these developments brought by laid the foundation for the present political administration in India. During the British Raj, education which was considered as the privilege of high caste society was offered to all without any bias.The British has contributed a lot for the development of India. They built roads and railway roads which made it easier to travel across India. About thirty million acres of land was brought under cultivation. The English also built many institutions in India and laid the foundation for a productive government.

What really ended the great depression was the increased spending and work opportunities brought on by who?

Stock Market