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Q: Did The buildup of fatty tissues in the heart makes it more difficult for the heart to function?
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Do the build up of fatty tissues in the heart make if more difficult for the heart to function?

The buildup of fat in the heart makes it more difficult for the heart to function. Depending on where the buildup of fat is in the heart it can create blockages in blood flow and reduce the effectiveness of the heart to pump blood out of the heart to the lungs and body.However, fat on the outside of the heart has a good function in addition to bad functions. For example, the atrioventricular groove, and anterior & posterior interventricular groove are fat-filled grooves that have coronary arteries and veins in them. Fat around the heart itself can also serve as a cushion for the heart.

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As a result of impaired peroxisome function, an individual's tissues and cells can accumulate very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) and branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) that are normally degraded in peroxisomes.

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What is a fatty substance found only in animal tissues

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Endarterectomy is an operation to remove or bypass the fatty deposits, or blockage, in an artery narrowed by the buildup of fatty tissue

What is thought to be the major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries?

The major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries is high cholesterol. High cholesterol can be treated with dietary changes or medication.

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fatty plaque and cholesterol buildup inside arteries

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the buildup of a fatty substance called plaque

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The lymphatic system transports fatty acid, white blood cells, and dendritic cells. It also removes interstitial fluid from the tissues in the human body.