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Q: Did Thomas Jefferson claimed that a nation cannot be both ignorant and free?
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Is you cannot live without books a quote said by thomsas Jefferson?

"you cannot live without books" is said by thomas jefferson.

What did Thomas Jefferson was self evident?

you cannot answer this question, because it makes no sense at all. "what did Thomas Jefferson" is alright- but "was self evident"..... what was self evident?

According to Thomas Jefferson what are the rights called that the government cannot take?

inalienable sic

Why did Thomas Jefferson advocate public education?

he wanted every male to have free education but the states ignored the law and made the people pay for education and only the rich could afford.he didn't want women to have education, he really didn't care.

According to Thomas Jefferson what are the rights called that the government cannot take away?

According to Thomas Jefferson, the rights that the government cannot take away are called "unalienable rights." These rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Jefferson believed that these rights are inherent to all individuals and should be protected by the government.

Why do some individuals refer to Protestants as 'ignorant'?

Ignorant simply say we do not know. All people are "ignorant" of some things, meaning we do not know evrything. Until you specify what the "Protestants" are "ignorant" of, the community cannot your question with certainty. Ignorance is not stupidity.

Can an aunt claim a child on taxes that she doesn't support?

No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.No. A niece or nephew cannot be claimed as a dependent unless the aunt is their legal guardian.

What are the 4primary areas for which science cannot help us to answer our question?

ignorant people, art, music, and government

What were three rights Jefferson said were natural right?

Three natural rights that Thomas Jefferson mentioned in the Declaration of Independence are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are considered to be inherent to every individual and cannot be taken away by any government or authority.

Events leading up to the first amendment?

thomas jefferson once claimed, a democracy cannot be both ignorant and free this was the common held attitude of the ''enlightend '' men who settled the united states the first admendment freedoms was based on enlightned men who as u can say don't blieve in god and they whorship satan so the made itThe First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. The amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.

Can you file your son as a dependent if your mother filed you as a dependent?

You cannot claim any dependents if you can legitimately be claimed as a dependent by someone else. So if your mother legitimately claimed you, you cannot claim your son. But you should check the rules for claiming a dependent to see if your mother could also have claimed your son.

What is a mythological creature or personage that does not weep or cannot cry?

In the movie 'Black Magic' it was claimed that witches cannot cry. It has been claimed that vampires cannot cry, which maybe true. Count Dracula got really, really upset when he found Lucy Westerna destroyed, but there were not tears.