

Did Walt Disney attend college

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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No, Walt never attended a college or university as he dropped out of high school at the age of 16 to join the army in World War I.

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Q: Did Walt Disney attend college
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What collage did Walt Disney go to?

Walt Disney didn't attend college. He didn't even finish high school. He dropped out to join the army.

Where did Walter Disney attend college?

Walt did not attend college and had only one year of high school.

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Walt Disney did not attend college or even graduate high school. His only art training came from night classes at the Kansas City Art Institute and Chicago Art Institute.

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Walt Disney didn't attend college. He didn't even finish high school. He dropped out to join try and join the army in WWI. He was underage and never served in the military, but he did manage to lie about his age and join the Red Cross as an ambulance driver at the tail end of the war.

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When the Disney family moved to Marceline, Missouri when Walt was very young, Walt lived his early years carefree. Unfortunately, not much is known of where Walt went to school during this time. Later on, Walt attended Benton Grammar School in Kansas City, Missouri, with his sister, Ruth. After transitioning from elementary/middle school to high school, Walt attended McKinley High School in Chicago, Illinois for a few years. During this time, Walt also took night classes at the Chicago Art Institute (he also attended Kansas City Art Institute during his middle school years as extra). A few years into his high school career, Walt became interested in World War I, even going on to drop out of school to volunteer for service (he was rejected for being too young). After he was rejected, Walt did not attend a college, but went on to create and work on animation and movies -"This question has been researched, and may have some indirect material from another source"-

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