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No, he wasn't tricked into it. Each brother in a way 'drew straws', it was purely by chance, not by trickery.

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Q: Did Zeus trick Hades into ruling the underworld?
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How did Zeus trick Hades into ruling the underworld?

He wasn't tricked. After the Titanomachy, the war between the Olympians and the Titans, the three brothers, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, drew lots to determine which realms they would rule. Hades drew the underworld, which seemed to fit his demeanor best anyway.

Who is the God of the underworld and brother of Zeus?

The God of the underworld and brother of Zeus is Hades in Greek mythology. He is responsible for ruling over the dead and the underworld realm known as the Underworld.

What did Zeus do to trick Hades into ruling the Underworld?

Nothing; the three brothers drew fated lots after the Titan War to divide Kronos's kingdom between them.

Why does Hades the god of the dead enjoy ruling over the underworld?

Depending on your source, Hades was tricked by his brothers, Posiden and Zeus. He was left with ruling the underworld and just made the best of it.

Did Hades dispise his brother?

In Greek mythology, Hades, the god of the underworld, did not necessarily despise his brother Zeus. However, Hades did have some resentment towards Zeus because Zeus was given the ruling of the heavens and Earth, while Hades was assigned the underworld. It can be said that Hades felt overshadowed and somewhat resentful of his brother's greater power and domain.

How come hades pick the under world?

he didnt, he, posiden ,and Zeus are all brothers and he was stuck with ruling the underworld.

Why did hades and his bothers get saperated?

They aren't "separated" they divided the ruling of their fathers universe among themselves; Zeus the Heavens, Poseidon the Sea, and Hades the Underworld.

Why does Hades have to live in the underworld?

In Greek mythology, Hades is tasked with ruling the underworld as part of the division of realms among the three brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and himself. Hades governs the realm of the dead and must oversee and maintain order within that domain.

Why Zeus sent hades to the underworld?

Zeus did not "send Hades to the Underworld"; just as Zeus rules the heavens, Hades rules the Underworld. According to one of the myths, Zeus selected the Heavens as his realm, and allowed Poseidon to select next because he was eldest. That left Hades (or more accurately Plouton) the Underworld as his realm, which he found suited him just fine.

Did Zeus trick Hades?

No, he did not.

Why is hades king of the underworld?

Hades is king of the underworld because he was caught trying to steal his brother Poseidons trident and his other brother Zeus lightning bolt. As a punishment Zeus banned Hades to the underworld forever.

Hades god of the underworld?

Yes, Hades the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, is the King of the Underworld, which is called 'realm of Hades' or (incorrectly)'Hades' after his name.