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Yes and no. The abbot was head of a monastic community, who like all monks took an oath of stability, meaning that he he would remain within the monastery for his entire life.

On the other hand, there were occasionally various circumstances when an Abbot would be officially required to travel: many had to attend meetings of Church officials in Rome, such as the Fourth Lateran Council held in November 1215, when bishops, Abbots and ruling Priors were summoned to attend from across Europe.

This Council established a rule that a general "chapter" meeting must be held every three years in each province, to be attended by all Abbots and ruling Priors. One of the purposes of the general chapter was to appoint inspectors who must visit every monastic institution and exert discipline and correction where necessary, reporting back to the chapter.

So after 1215, on a three-yearly basis, English Abbots (for example) would have to travel to some appointed place within England to attend the general chapter. If they could not attend, they had to send a deputy to speak on their behalf.

Abbots also held vast areas of countryside on behalf of their Abbeys; this land was sometimes used by the Abbot for hunting with hawks, but since no other people were permitted on Abbey land he would not usually be seen doing so.

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