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Q: Did all historians agree that Qing was China's first dynasty?
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Historians and political scientists agree on the origins of government When where and how did the first government begin?

Historians and political scientists agree that no one knows exactly when, where and how the first government began.

Why historians are not sure if xia dynasty existed?

Historians know about the Xia dynasty because of stories. Archaeologists have not yet found evidence of this dynasty, so many believe that it never existed. Chinese people honor these stories, though.

Why is the zhou dynasty called chinas classic age?

The zhou dynasty was chinas classic age (golden age) because they had many different accomplishments. They promoted the idea of the Mandate of Heaven (or devine right to rule). Mainly they were known as a classic age for inventing the first books of china and also silkmaking.

Who was chinas first president?

Mao Zedong

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after he introduced irrigation to the Yellow River valley.

What is the first Chinese Dynasty with written records?

According to some of the earliest records of the Shang, the first dynasty was the Xia dynasty. But some historians believe this dynasty is a myth. I think the Xia dynasty really was an existent dynasty however so I would say it is the earliest. It started at about 2000 B.C. and ended at about 1600 B.C.

When did the first gulf war finish?

Many historians agree that the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 was the first Gulf War.

What was Richard Nixon the first president to do?

Use communist Chinas official name in public

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Most historians agree the French "Cugnot" is the first working "automobile", dating back to the 1700's.

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== == Sometime in the 9th century. It was in the 12th century. Correct answer Most historians agree that fireworks were first invented by the Chinese about 1,000 years ago.== ==

Where did gun powder originate from?

No one is exactly certain, since it was a long time ago- roughly 1000 years, but it is generally agreed that it was first made in China. General consensus from the historians agree, gunpowder/black powder was invented and used in China for military purposes in and around the 12th century during the Yuan Dynasty.

When did the Shang Dynasty ended?

Scholars do not fully agree on the dates and details of the earliest Chinese dynasties, but most accept that the Shang Dynasty is the first one to have left behind written records and solid archaeological evidence of its existence.