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Q: Did ancient peoples believe wind was a miracle?
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What landforms get affected by wind?

peoples dicks

What do sailors believe about the albatross?

Because albatrosses depend on the wind to fly and sailors depend on the wind to sail, the albatross became a good omen to sailors. The albatross features in a poem about what happened to a sailor when he killed an albatross. The poem is called 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'.

What was the only wind instrument in ancient egpyt?


What did ancients believe caused wind?

Aeolos (Greek: Αίολος), the God of wind and storm.

What sounds do you hear in ancient Egypt?

you can hear slaves or the wind.

What other means did the ancient Egyptians develop to power their boats?

A typical ancient boat in Egypt was propelled by wind.

What is the energy sources of wind?

The sun is the energy source to the wind. The sun heats up the wind and sends it blowing around the earth. Some people believe that the wind is ancient spirits, getting revenge, or trying to restore the Earths healthiness, such as the most recent tragedy, Tornadoes in the Southern parts of America. Some people believe that the winds were angry with the people there for polluting the rivers. Others believe that global warming is the cause of the destruction. It mostly depends on your religion, or whether you believe Science or not.

How do climate affect wind?

i dont know ookay i dont do peoples homework no you try okay thanks

How did ancient egyptians use wind energy?

Egyptians were some of the first people to use sails to capture the wind's energy.

What was pochanonta's mothers name?

I do believe it was wind song

Why were wind chimes used in Ancient Rome?

Wind chimes were used in Ancient Rome primarily for decorative purposes and to create a soothing ambiance. The tinkling sound produced by the chimes was believed to ward off evil spirits and bring positive energy into a space. Additionally, wind chimes were sometimes used as musical instruments for entertainment.

What is a Greek aulos?

It is a double-reed ancient Greek musical wind instrument.