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Yes - Neanderthals.

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Leith Harris

Lvl 1
1y ago
No - Although Neanderthals and Heidelburgs got close, out of all the hominids, humans have the highest Cranial capacity.

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upright position

What group animals includes modern humans?

Modern humans belong to a group called hominids. Homo sapiens, or humans, are the only surviving species of hominids. Hominids are part of a larger group of animals called primates, which includes monkeys and apes. Humans are also mammals.

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Although gorillas can be larger than people, their brain size is much smaller. They have a cranial capacity of 20.7 to 45.9 cubic inches while humans have at least twice that capacity if not more.

What body cavity contains and protects the brain?

The brain lies within the cranial cavity which is inside the larger dorsal cavity

Which of the following is characteristic of hominids Check all that apply?

Bipedalism: Hominids are characterized by walking on two legs. Larger brains: Hominids have larger brain sizes compared to other primates. Tool use: Hominids are known to use tools in their daily activities. Social behavior: Hominids exhibit complex social behaviors and interactions.

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Homo habilis had a larger brain capacity and more advanced tool-making abilities compared to earlier hominids or apes. They were able to create and use stone tools, giving them a significant advantage in obtaining and processing resources for survival.

Does human beings make a group with animals?

Yes, humans belong to a group of human-like animals known as hominids. However, Homo sapiens is the only surviving species of hominid, the others are extinct. Hominids are in turn part of a larger group called primates, which includes monkeys, apes, and lemurs. These are not extinct although they are endangered. We humans have not been kind to our close animal relatives.

What larger cavity does the cranial and vertebral cavity reside?

The dorsal cavity.

How was the first step in early humans from hominids?

The first step in human evolution from hominids involved the development of bipedalism, where early humans started to walk on two legs instead of four. This adaptation allowed for greater efficiency in traveling longer distances and freed up the hands for other tasks. Bipedalism also played a critical role in the evolution of larger brains and the development of complex tool use.

What does huminid mean?

The term "hominid" refers to any member of the biological family Hominidae, which includes modern humans, their ancestors, and closely related species. Hominids are characterized by traits such as bipedalism, larger brains, and the ability to make tools.

How is the species Homo Sapiens different from earlier hominids?

Homo sapiens have a larger brain capacity, more advanced cognitive abilities, and the development of complex language and culture compared to earlier hominids. Additionally, they have a more refined tool-making ability and are characterized by bipedal locomotion.

How is the species homo spaiens different from earlier hominids?

Homo sapiens are the only surviving species of the genus Homo. They have a larger brain size, more complex tools, sophisticated language abilities, and a capacity for abstract thought and symbolic behavior that set them apart from earlier hominids. Homo sapiens also have a more advanced culture, social organization, and the ability to adapt to diverse environments.