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The brain is larger in Homo Sapiens Sapiens than in all earlier hominids except the neanderthal (Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis), and we are possibly the first to use a large portion of our brains for art instead of just survival skills.

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3d ago

Homo sapiens have a larger brain capacity, more advanced cognitive abilities, and the development of complex language and culture compared to earlier hominids. Additionally, they have a more refined tool-making ability and are characterized by bipedal locomotion.

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12y ago

We r homo sapiens but the early ones were hunter gatherers

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12y ago

We are homo sapiens - no difference.

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Q: How is the species Homo Sapiens different from earlier hominids?
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How is the species homo spaiens different from earlier hominids?

Homo sapiens are the only surviving species of the genus Homo. They have a larger brain size, more complex tools, sophisticated language abilities, and a capacity for abstract thought and symbolic behavior that set them apart from earlier hominids. Homo sapiens also have a more advanced culture, social organization, and the ability to adapt to diverse environments.

Did any hominids exist before the homo sapiens sapiens?

Yes, several species of hominids existed before Homo sapiens sapiens, including Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthals), Homo erectus, and Homo habilis. These hominids were our evolutionary ancestors and lived at different points in history before the appearance of modern humans.

What were some of the key characteristics that separated homo sapiens sapiens from other early hominids?

Some key characteristics that separated Homo sapiens sapiens from other early hominids include the development of complex language, advanced tool-making abilities, capacity for symbolic thought, and social cooperation. These traits likely played a crucial role in our species' ability to adapt to different environments, outcompete other hominids, and eventually become the dominant species on Earth.

What hominid lived the longest?

The Homo sapiens is the hominid species that has lived the longest and is the only existing species of hominids.

What are the major groups of hominids?

The major groups of hominids include Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, early Homo species, and modern Homo sapiens. These groups represent the various stages of human evolution over millions of years.

Related questions

How many hominids are there in America?

Homo sapiens are the only existing species of hominids in the world.

What group animals includes modern humans?

Modern humans belong to a group called hominids. Homo sapiens, or humans, are the only surviving species of hominids. Hominids are part of a larger group of animals called primates, which includes monkeys and apes. Humans are also mammals.

Are modern humans hominids?

Yes, our official scientific name is Homo Sapiens. We are sapiens of the Homo genus.Yes, according to Binomial nomenclature, humans are Homo sapiens. In the past there were humans who weren't Homo sapiens. They belonged to other species in genus Homo. Their gradual evolution led to Homo sapiens, that is us.

How long have humans been evolving?

Homo sapiens, as a species, have existed for about 300,000 years. Hominids as a whole have existed for about 14,000,000 years.

What species are you?

I'm a vampire. i vant to suck your blood!!! (just kidding I'm vegetarian! penguins...lovely XD )AnswerHumans are hominids from the species known to biologists as Homo sapiens

Were all early humans one species?

No, early humans were not all one species. There were multiple species of early humans that existed simultaneously, such as Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Neanderthals, among others. These different species had distinct features and characteristics.

What is the modern type of homo sapiens called?

They were known as Homo Neanderthalis, or the Neanderthals. They actually coexisted with modern humans for a little while but died out quickly after Homo sapiensarrived. There are several theories suggesting why this occured.

Are mammals the same as people?

Humans (Homo sapiens) are hominids, along with chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. Hominids belong to the biological order of primates and all primates are mammals.It is incorrect to say that one species (H. sapiens) is "the same as" a whole class (Mammalia), but it is correct to say that our species is a member of that class, or, to put it simply, "humans are mammals".

How can the theory of evolution explain that man homo sapiens sapiens came from earlier species?

Homo sapiens are believed to have evolved from an earlier species, Homo erectus. Once hominids emerged around 2 million years ago, they migrated from Africa and populated the other continents. Several species of hominids existed simultaneously. The earlier hominids included some which were much larger and more powerful than today's humans, and some smaller and weaker. They were not stoop-shouldered with short bow-legs and long arms, with hands dragging on the ground. They were just as upright as modern man, with feet and legs adapted to walking upright. There were also other great apes that (like today's chimps, gorillas and orang-utans) were not adapted to ground dwelling and thus never came into ecological competition with humans. Today there are only 4 genera of great apes left -- Chimps, Gorillas, Orang-utans and humans. For a while, Gibbons were included in that group because they can raise their forearms above their heads like the other apes (old-world monkeys can't do that). But they are so different that they have been grouped in a class of their own.

What is the name of modern hominids?

Modren humans are known by the term "homo sapien(s)" (Latin, roughly, for "wise man"). They are the only surviving member of the "homo" species. See the Wikipedia ariticle for a more thorough defniition.

What is the scientifical name for man?

The Latin name is Homo sapiens (knowing man, or rational man).Modern man is sometimes listed as a subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens to differentiate modern humans from Homo sapiens idaltu, an earlier hominid species that is very similar but not identical.

Human species name?

Homo sapiens, human species name