

Did any of Jupiter's moons get crashed into by asteroids?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Did any of Jupiter's moons get crashed into by asteroids?
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Does asteroid have any moons?

Yes. Afew asteroids have smaller asteroids orbiting them as moons. The best known case is the asteroid Ida and its moon Dactyl.

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Yes, there is water on one, and volcanoes active on another.

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No. Neither do any of their moons, and neither do any comets or asteroids.

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It cant have any because an astroid always moves.

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they did found water on mars. and one of jupiters moons maybe.

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Mars shares the same sun as the Earth does.It has two tiny moons: Phobos and Deimos, both believed to be captured asteroids.

Do any of the asteroids have a moon orbiting them?

no they do not have any orbiting moons!!!!

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Mars has two minor moons: Phobos and Deimos. The only thing significant about them is that they appear to be captured asteroids, based on their shape, composition, size, and orbit.

Does the Earth's moon have any moons?

Yes! A moon is an astronomical object (or natural satellite) that orbits a larger planet. Earth has 1 moon.Some dwarf planets and even asteroids may have moons, although orbital dynamics seem to work against moons having moons of their own.

Does the asteroid belt have any moons or rings why?

Only a few have been observed. There are several relatively small Kuiper Belt objects that have tiny moons. Two NEOs (Near Earth Objects) each have two confirmed satellites: 1994-CC and 2001-SN263. 1994-CC (700 m in diameter) is actually smaller than the "moons" of the other NEO and its own satellites are only a few meters in diameter. There are also asteroid groups that revolve around common centers of gravity for various lengths of time. But asteroids that orbit each other are more properly described as "double asteroids" rather than an asteroid and moon. The term "moon" refers typically to bodies orbiting major planets.

Are there any moons in the asteroid belt if so how many?

There are a number of small asteroids that act as "moons" for somewhat larger asteroids. But only one asteroid, the dwarf planet Ceres, is as large as the larger moons of the major planets. In some cases, there are co-orbiting pairs of asteroids, one not vastly larger than the other. Notable Main Belt asteroids that have small moons are: * 243 Ida, an oblong asteroid about 59 km long, has a small moon named Dactyl (about 1.6 km diameter). * 22 Kalliope, about 235 km long and 80 km in radius has a relatively large moon, Linus (about 28 km). * 87 Sylvia, about 385 km long has two moons Sylvia I-Romulus and Sylvia II-Remus, each about 11 km in diameter.