

Did any of the older Duggar children move out?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Josh, the oldest, is the only child that has left the nest. The kids do not move out until they are married.

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Q: Did any of the older Duggar children move out?
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Were any of the Duggar Children born in Ohio?

None of the Duggar children were born in Ohio. All 19 of them (plus Josh and Anna's two children, Mackynzie and Michael) were born in Arkansas. Michelle's side of the family lives in Ohio, but the Duggar's have never lived there together as a family.

Do any of the Duggar boys have children?

Right now, it's just Josh, the oldest.

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Michelle Duggar miscarried two children. Her second child, Caleb, and her twentieth child (twenty-first including Caleb), Jubilee.

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None of the Duggar kids are adopted. As Michelle says in the title sequence, "And I delivered every one of them."

Do any of the older duggar kids ever leave the house to be with friends or join activities?

yes. like many families that that home school, the Duggar children have a full schedule of activities outside their home. the older kid are working on college degrees through college plus, as well as going on international mission trips, community service, and even just playing with friends.

Do any of the other Duggar kids plan to marry soon?

The oldest son, Josh Duggar, married and has two children with his wife Anna. The family has not announced if any of the other kids are courting or intending to marry as of Fall 2011. The older girls are all working on college degrees, and preparing for future employment. When asked about boys the Duggar girls said "Go talk to our father." Good luck young gentlemen, if you have intention on the Duggar ladies, you need to go through Jim Bob first!

Did Michelle or Jim Bob Duggar have any children before they were married?

Yes, Mrs. Duggar had a few boyfriends before finding Jim Bob

Does Jim Bob Duggar have a child from a previous relationship?

No. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were married shortly after high school - any children that Jim Bob has is from his marriage to Michelle.

Are the duggers pregnant again?

As of Spring 2015, three of the Duggar children are married: Josh, Jill and Jessa. Older children in the family include: Jana, John David, and Jinger who could all be in that phase of life that they are considering long term relationships. So far, each marriage has followed a whirl wind courtship and engagement... so new additions to the Duggar family may be coming quickly.

Do any of the Duggar children have physical or emotional problems?

Good question! Since Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar accept what God gives them, they'll provide whatever help is needed.