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dont know exactly but i think the cat

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Q: Did anybody else help build the wright brothers planes?
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Related questions

How many planes did the Wright brothers build?

The wright brothers built thirty planes by them selves then had other people help build. altogether they built one hundred planes, while the wright brothers were alive.

Why was the wright brothers invention important?

because the Wright Brothers invention taught people how to build planes without their invention we wouldn't have planes

How many planes did the wright brothers build alone?


Why did the Wright brothers build planes?

they built planes because it was mans dream at the time

What did the wright brothers build their planes with?

Spruce and Ash covered with Muslin.

How many planes did the wright brothers build and crash before their successful flight?

Well I think 105.

In what month did the wright brothers build a glider?

the wright brothers glider was built in December.

What type of bikes did the wright brothers build?

The Wright brothers built 'new safety' bikes.

What material did the wright brothers use to build a airplane?

the wright brothers used ballsuel wood

When did the wright brothers build the first aeroplane?

The Wright brothers didn't make it , Samuel T. Langley made it.

How old were the wright brothers when build plane?


Why did the Wright brothers build the airplane?

So they can travel.