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I am currently trying to rule out Herbalife as the cause of my hives. At this point, I am adding in one thing at a time to try to figure out what ingredient is causing the hives. I had hives over my entire body that lasted about 8 days. On day 3, I went to an after hours clinic, and they prescribed a steroid shot and pills. After suffering for about a week, I went to my allergist. He suggested I stop taking all Herbalife plus supplements, then add one thing at a time to see what would bring them on again. So far, the morning shake with nothing else is enough to bring on a few hives. Each day, I am adding an additional supplement to see what will bring them on full bore.

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Q: Did anyone develop hives from herbalife I have them all over my arms and legs.?
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Are the vertebrae of the spine distal to the arms?

The vertebrae are not distal to the arms; they are medial to the arms. The hand, wrist, and fingers are distal to the arms.

Can you donate legs and arms?

Well off course you can donate your legs or arms. Well the person that's donating there legs or arms will have to suffer the life of not walking or running to place's and not having your arms to move object's to an other place.

How are bones in the arms and legs similar?

arms and leg bone help support our daily life

What makes an arm an arm and a not a leg?

An arm is for changing things around us or climbing. A leg is a limb that we walk on. Legs are stronger and not as moveable as arms. cats have legs that are all made for wallking on. Leg muscles are for jumping and balancing. Apes use their arms for balancing as well as their legs. But they are arms, not legs because they use their arms more often for climbing. That is why their arms are not called legs. Humans have both arms and legs. They are designed to stand upright and change things with their arms and hands.

Can people have no arms and legs?

The question is a bit grotesque. You can live without your arms and legs. There are people who suffer with an unusual kind of dysmorphic mental condition where they believe that they would be better of without an otherwise perfectly healthy arm or leg. If this is your belief, talk with people about it, including your physician. If you cut them off all at the same time, then you'd probably bleed to death. I don't think anyone's stupid enough to get both arms and legs cut off though, so I don't know.

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Does one bleed excessively after taking Herbalife?

I took herbalife fora month and I lost 15 lb as well as my period for the next month, as the plls mess with the hormones they mess with the period too, other of the problems that I had it that without any reason bruises stared to appear in my arms and legs, and my nails were really fragiles. dDid any of these other things happen to you too?

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If cancer is classified as 'extra arms', then the second one.