

Did anyone finish all the islands on poptropica?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Many users have finished all the islands. It is not a competition.

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Q: Did anyone finish all the islands on poptropica?
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How do you get the second world of Poptropica?

Finish all the islands.And when you log on to Poptropica the next time there are different islands.

Can you beat Poptropica?

You can finish all the islands, but you can not beat poptropica because they add a new island every two or three months.OF COURSE

Can I create my own islands when I finish all the islands on Poptropica?

No, you cannot make an island. However, you can replay islands or play on the Daily Pop or common rooms.

How do you get over shark on shark tooth island in poptropica?

you hav to finish all the other islands first

How come there was an exclamation mark on the poptropica screen?

i think that if you dont have a membership you cant finish all the islands?

Is there a secret site to play all poptropica islands?

yes there is i cannot tell anyone though

Is there more to Poptropica?

There isn't more to Poptropica. Poptropica= all the islands.

How do you finish all of poptropica?

There is no magic solution anywhere. The games are designed to challenge, not merely to complete. There are answers to many questions, on all of the islands, at the related question below.

How do you get credits after you beat all the islands without buying them on poptropica?

If you solve them you get 100 for every island. You can also finish the games in the store for more credits.

How do you complete an island on Poptropica?

Solving an island quest involves completing all of the tasks for that island. You will know when you finish because you receive the Island Medallion. **For links to solutions to all current Poptropica islands, see the related question.

Where is the boss on Poptropica?

there is no boss on poptropica you just have to do all the island but i am not telling you how to do all the islands

Is there a prize if you beat all of the island of Poptropica?

There is no prize for beating all of Poptropica's islands.