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Having your tubes tied is not entirely effective, if you've gotten pregnant once with them tied chances are you can again.

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Q: Did anyone get pregnant more than once after having there tubes tied?
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Im having surgery to remove scar tissue around your tubal ligation people are telling you you could get pregnant after the surgeryIs this true?

Only if your surgeon is attempting to reopen the tubes. If he is only removing adhesions (scars) from the outside of the tubes, then you are no more likely to get pregnant than you are now.

If I dont have f. tubes is there a way to still have kids?

I think you can have chance of becoming pregnant after having fallopian tube sterilization and you can get more and more information at

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I had my tubes tied over 2 years ago I just recently found out that i was having a miscarriage What happened to have a miscarriage or get pregnant while your tubes are tied?

some people when they have their tubes tied are left with little tears which can allow sperm through. is more common if youd had a c-section in the past.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having a tubal 8 years ago?

I had my tubes cut tied and burnt in Sept 03. I got pregnant with my son in June of 06. The doctor swore i had a hole in my tubes and that it would never happen again. I was pregnant again in August of 07. I miscarried that baby. The doctor still stuck by his word that my tubes were still tied it wouldn't happen again. I am now pregnant for the third time since my tubal. Guess the doc was wrong.

Is there more ways to get pregnant than having sex'?

You can get pregnant by Atificial Insemination without ever having sex.

Could you be pregnant again if you had your tubes tied in 2002 and 3 months later you were pregnant and you had your baby c section and they said they cut off a little more of your tubes?

Hello. The chances of pregnancy would be low but yes because of your past history you could become pregnant again.

Tubes tied and burnt for 22 years missed period age 50 am i pregnant?

Menopause more likely.

If you have had pid will it make you infertile?

PID will not necessarily cause infertility problems but every bout of PID increases the chance of infertility. The more times you have PID, the more likely it is that you won't be able to have children. When you have PID, bacteria infect the tubes or cause inflammation of the tubes. This turns normal tissue into scar tissue, which can block your tubes and make it harder to get pregnant. Even having just a little scar tissue can keep you from getting pregnant. You can find more information about this topic at

Can you get a tubal reversal if your tubes aren't long enough?

Although the more length of fallopian tube after tubal ligation reversal the better it is not impossible for those with shorter tubes to get pregnant and have children.

Can you use invitro to conceive if you have your tubes tied?

Yes!That's the way most people do get pregnant when the tubes are tied.It's alot easier to do,you don't have to go through the surgery to have the tubes untied and is alot more achievable than the old way.

If you got pregnant once after having tubes tied is it more likely to happen again?

Yes it can be if you have an ectopic pregnancy. You are at a higher risk for it after having your tubes tied. If you become pregnant you should see a Dr as soon as possible. You should go to the ER immediately if you are pregnant and experience cramping, bleeding, pelvic pain, dizziness or fainting, signs of shock, and/or back or shoulder pain.