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yes they were smaller, quicker, and had a longer range of firing power than the Spanish. the Spanish had big bulky ships that were easy to outmaneuver with England's small ships.

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Q: Did british have faster ships than the spanish?
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What advantage did the British have during the battle of the Spanish armada?

They had smaller, faster ships that were a big advantage rather than Spain's ships.

When the Spanish Armada was defeated England remained independent and?

kis ships were smaller and faster than English ships.

Where did the Spanish armada fall?

Because, the English ships were much smaller and faster than the large, rather slow Spanish galleons.

What happend between the English and the Spanish armada?

The British navy were heavily outnumbered by the Spanish during their attempted invasion of England. However, British ships were much more technologically advanced than the Spanish. The British fleet was faster, sleeker, tougher and had more cannons than the Spanish. The British also had much better cannonballs too, because they used a rare mineral called plumbago, which can be mined in England. The mineral creates perfectly round cannonballs, meaning they travel faster and therefore deal more damage. Sir Francis Drake, one of the British naval commanders, also devised a cunning and smart strategic plan that allowed the English to overpower and flank the slower Spanish ships. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the British won the battle. It was a classic example of the fact that numbers mean nothing in battle when the other side is better equipped and has better strategies.

The English fleet of ships had the advantage over the Spanish Armada because?

In the 1588 clash known as the "Spanish Armada", the English had several advantages over their Spanish opponents, and they made full use of them. First, their ships were more numerous, if also less well-armed, than the Spanish contingent. Second, their captains and crews were driven by the desperate need to protect their homeland, not simply win a battle. Third, they were superior sailors in general, and they gained the particular advantage of positioning themselves upwind of the Spanish fleet. Finally, they had luck on their side, as a powerful storm arose in timely fashion to sink or damage many of the Spanish ships.

How many ships were in the spanish armarda?

The Spanish Armada consisted of 130 ships, 2,500 guns, and more than 30,000 men.

How did the spanish armada sink?

In the Battle of Gravelines, only 2 Spanish Ships were sunk with 600 Spaniards dead, 800 wounded and nearly 400 captured. However the storms around the British Isles accounted for 65 Spanish ships lost and 20,000 Soaniards dead. The English suffered less than 100 dead and 8 fireships were burnt to panic the Spanish from Gravelines

How can space ships move faster than light?

They can't. Therefore, they don't.

Why did the Spanish treasure ships have difficulty outrunning the enemy because the ships?

The large Spanish galleons were meant to carry heavy cargo, and even with added sails they were much slower than the ships pursuing them.

Weapons used in the Armada?

Warships with cannon, and against the anchored Spanish fleet at Calais, fireships. The major differences were that the English had longer range cannon, and could reload three to four times faster than could the Spanish. The latter's technique was to grapple and board, the English to stand off and bombard into submission.

Why did the initiative in early conquest and exploration pass to northern European nations in the later 1600s?

The Dutch and the British improved the design of oceanic vessels, producing faster ships than their catholic rivals.

Why did elizabeth 1 allow her ships to attack spanish treasure ships?

She did more than allow she ordered. She was at war with the Spanish and what better way to cripple them than to sink ships and take the gold. Her treasury got bigger from their gold and she didn't waste man power attacking them.