

Did byzantines have priests

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Did byzantines have priests
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Most byzantines were of what religion?

The Byzantines followed the Orthodox branch of Christianity.

Byzantines believed that their emperor?

Byzantines believed that their emperor should represented Jesus Christ on Earth.

How did the byzantines have succsess?

Byzantines succeeded in region. He made the 6th Grade Science study guide.

What did people of the byzantine empire call themselves?

The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.The Byzantines or the eastern citizens of the Roman empire considered themselves Roman.

Who were the byzantines?

The Byzantines were the inheritors of Rome. After Roman Empire split, Eastern Rome became known as the Byzantine empire, after the capital city of Byzantium. The Eastern Empire would outlast Western Rome by centuries.

Are the Byzantines heretics?

If by that you mean pagan, no they were christian.

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the byzantines navy

What did the Byzantines us to defend their capital against attacks?

The Byzantines use Greek gunpowder to conquer lands and fight off enemies. They have a strong army.

What cultures did the byzantines preserves?

The Byzantines preserved Greek culture. The other cultures in the territories of their empire were lost as they were taken over by the Arabs, Slavs and Turks.

Who was the first caliph who set out to conquer territory from Byzantines?

Rashidun Caliphate was the 1st caliph to set out to conquer territory from Byzantines. This happened in the year 632.

What various method did Byzantines use to hold off their enemies?

the Byzantines used brides, diplomacy, and political marriages ,and military power to keep their enemy's at bay.

The Byzantines protected Europe from the attacks of who?

Turks Mongols