

Did cave men live beside dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No. Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago, and humans have been around for less than 1 million years.

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Q: Did cave men live beside dinosaurs?
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Did cave men live beside dinosours?

No, the dinosaurs were long gone, by several millenniums when man started to appear.

Did dinosaurs live before cave men?

yes they did!oh. and did you know that cave men evolved from apes?

Did Cave men ride dinosoaurs?

No, cave men did not ride dinosaurs. Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before the first humans appeared on Earth.

Where cave men in the times of dinosaurs?

Prehistoric humans did not appear until 63 million years after the dinosaurs died out. However, they did live alongside birds, a subgroup of Dinosauria.

Did cave men live in dinosaurs?

No, dinosaurs did not eat cavemen. The dinosaurs died out long before the evolution of mammals - warmblooded creatures and primates, including men. That idea was made up for the movies and television and comic books.

Do dinosaurs eat cave men?

They did not exist at the same time-so, no.

Did cave men live during mesozoic era?

No. Cave men did not live during the mesozoic era.

Did cave men meet dinosaurs?

No. Dinosaurs and cavemen are separated by about 65 million years of earth history.

Who are cave men?

People who live in caves.

When cave men appeared on earth?

I think the cave man appered on Earth When the dinosaurs were here

How did the dinos die?

Well, dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago, so that's one reason. Also, I'm sure you have heard about cave men. So to avoid violent stuff, the Dino's died because of the cave men.

Did cavemen live during the mesozoic area?

No. Cave men did not live during the mesozoic era.