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The lived during the dinos.

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Q: Did cavemen live before dinosaurs or after dinosaurs?
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Did cave men live in dinosaurs?

No, cave men and dinosaurs did not coexist. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, while cave men, or early humans, appeared much later in history, around 2 million years ago. There is no evidence to suggest that they ever lived together.

Did cavemen eat dinosaurs?

No. Cavemen and dinosaurs never co-existed meaning they didn't work together. They lived at different times, dinosaurs then cavemen. If they did, the carnivore dinosaurs would of eaten the cavemen and of those that are herbivores, they could be trampled to death.

Why did cavemen never seen dinosaurs?

Early man was 65 million years after the era of dinosaurs.

Did cavemen and dinosaurs live separately?

Dinosaurs died out 65.5 million years ago, and the earliest humans evolved 2.3 million years ago, long after all the dinosaurs had disappeared. Hence, dinosaurs did not live alongside cavemen.

Did cavemen live during the ice age?

No, the Mesozoic era was dominated by the dinosaurs.

Why weren't dinosaurs and cavemen together?

There was a mass extinction, killing of the dinosaurs before early hominids (humans) came along.

How did cavemen survive against dinosaurs?

Cavemen and Dinosaurs were not around at the same time.

Did dinosaurs exist when cavemen came?


Who did invent music?

cavemen and dinosaurs.... :)

What era did the cavemen live in?

After the dinosaurs died out.

Why cavemen never saw a dinosaur?

Dinosaurs died out a long time before humans came into existence.

What are cavemen and dinosaurs like?

See below