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Q: Did chief Joseph ever live on a reservation?
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Were did Chief Joseph live?

Chief Joseph lived in the Pacific Northwest.

When did chief Joseph live?

Chief Joseph was born March 3, 1840 and died September 21, 1904. He was the chief of the Wallowa band of Nez Perce Indians. General Oliver O. Howard attempted to forcibly remove the tribe and other "non-treaty" Indians to a reservation in Idaho. For Chief Joseph's principled resistance to the removal, he became well-known as a peacemaker and humanitarian.

Where does chief Joseph live?

in canada

When did OLD chief Joseph live?

in the OLD days

What region did chief Joseph live in?

he lived in washington,seattle

How can you use peacefully in a sentence?

The protesters gathered peacefully in the park to demonstrate against the new law.

When was Naval Live Oaks Reservation created?

Naval Live Oaks Reservation was created in 1971.

Does the Cherokee tribe live on a reservation?

Like most Indians, some live on reservations and some do not. The Eastern Band of Cherokee in North Carolina do not live on a reservation (despite the big sign that welcomes visitors). The Eastern Band live on land that was purchased for them by William Holland Thomas, a former Cherokee chief (adopted son of former Chief Yonaguska) in the mid 19th century. The land is held in trust by the United States government. The Western Band in Oklahoma do not have a reservation, they have jurisdiction over 14 counties. The United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee also have a jurisdiction in Oklahoma that is technically not a reservation. Cherokees are also scattered throughout the 50 states and all the world.

How much Native American do you have to be to live on a reservation?

No you don't. have to be Native American to live on the reservation and you don't have to be a descendant of a Native American on the reservation but you do have to know a Native American who's living on the reservation or have another reason to live on the reservation knowing somebody else it's quite dangerous for white folks to try and live on the reservation without knowing a Native American

What is the area of Naval Live Oaks Reservation?

The area of Naval Live Oaks Reservation is 5,260,913.34912 square meters.

What is nez perce?

The Nez Perce are an Indian tribe that lived in North Central Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. They were chased out of their land by the U.S Army to the Canadian border then to the bear paw mountains where chief Joseph surrrendered. Then they were brought to a reservation in Oklahoma.

What are the US requirements to live on a Indian reservation?

You must be from the tribe of the designated reservation or invited by that tribe to live there by marriage freindship etc.