

Did children draw in the middle ages?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Did children draw in the middle ages?
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What was the fashion for children in the Middle Ages?

Basically, the children of then middle ages wore what the adults wore but in miniature.

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They were not supposed to, but some did.

What did noble children do in the middle ages?

they learned how to hunt and they learned how to read

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parents in the middle ages most likely did not eat there children but if they were dire enough the could have but most would chose not to eat there own children because like today parents love there children in most cases

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children of knights in the middle ages had to stay with they're mum , however if they did not have a mother then they would have to take care of themselves or get sent to the country side with all the other kids .

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They where to stay at home and cook food

What kind of jobs did children do in the middle ages?

to grow up and mature and be adults

What is the average age of a person in the middle ages?

all ages most dies young, and had children around the age of 12

What was life like for children in the Late Middle Ages?

To not plagiarizer, I recommend reading through this detailed article: covers from birth to teens and is very thorough. btw, late Middle Ages was the same as Early Middle Ages when it came to children. The times did not change very fast back then.

What is the period in Europe between AD 500 and 1500 known as?

The period of time from 500 AD to 1500 AD is called the Middle Ages.

Way didnt children have time to play games in the middle ages?

We have no reason to believe children did not play games in the middle ages. They did, however, start work early, often as early as age eight, but there was nothing prohibiting them from playing games after work.

How many children did a king have in the middle ages of rome?

Rome didn't exist in the middle ages. The fall of Rome caused the middle ages, so there was no king and no children.