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Yes in around 1600. Honey bees aren't native to the US.

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Q: Did colonist bring bee's to US?
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Related questions

Where do bees bring the pollen?

They bring the pollen to other flowers.

Where bees bring pollen is called?

A hive

What did thomas pain write to encourage the colonist to declare independence?

Thomas Paine wrote the Declaration of Independence to bring peace to the colonist.

How are bees important to your society?

Bees are important for beeing bees and stinging all of us

Do bees make honey out of their mouths?

No. Honey is made in a honeycomb, out of pollen that bees bring back to the hive on their legs.

What innate behaviors do bees have?

Bees innate behaviors are to fly, seek food and bring food back to the family of bees. Bees are adapted to darkness and do not limit themselves between flying at night or day time.

Can you kill ground bees with bee spray?

If the bees have bored into the ground, pour borax into the hole to kill the bees. The bees that survive the initial application of borax will get the dust on themselves and bring it to their nest, spreading it to other bees who will eventually die.

How do humans affect UK honey bees?

Humans affect honey bees by using insecticides in their gardens which kill the bees.

How are bees helpful?

Bees are helpful to us by making honey and speading pollenation

How did colonists bring bees to America?

The colonists had bees shipped to America in hives. The first arrived in the Jamestown colony and spread throughout the area.

What was the nickname for the colonist loyal to the US?


Who need bees?

Us! Bees pollinate plants and give us food like fruit and vegetables. Flowers also need bees to pollinate them so they can produce seeds and bloom.