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Q: Did either animal change its speed how can you tell Fossils?
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Did either animal change speed?

Dinosaurs and mammals both changed their speed. These changes in speed were due to their constantly changing demands and environment.

Why a change in speed of the rover might not effect its velocity?

Either a change in speed or direction, or both, will affect its velocity. If there is a change in speed, then the rover's velocity has changed.

How is acceleration related to changing speed?

Acceleration can be either a change in speed or a change inthe direction of the motion even if speed doesn't change.a=dv/dt

How do you change fan speed on central heating unit?

The motor is either single or two speed. You can change the size of the pulleys if yours has a belt. If it is direct drive, it runs at the speed it does.

Velocity is the change of speed andor direction of an object?

Not exactly. Velocity is the speed and direction of an object's motion.If either speed or direction changes, then the change is the object's 'acceleration'.

Velocity is the change of speed and/or direction of an object?

FALSE. Acceleration is the change of speed and/or direction of an object.

Is acceleration a change in the position of an object?

Yes. Acceleration is a change in velocity. As velocity is a vector (direction and speed) changing either the speed or direction will change the velocity and thus be an acceleration (or decelleration)

What happens to the speed of an object that is accelerating?

The speed may, or may not, change. Acceleration means that the velocity changes; this means that either the speed changes, or the direction.

How does acceleration relate to changes in motion?

Acceleration can be either a change in speed or a change inthe direction of the motion even if speed doesn't change.a=dv/dt

Can there be acceleration in the body even when the body is not speeding up or slowing down?

Yes. Acceleration is change in velocity. Velocity is either change in speed or change in direction. If you fix the speed, change in direction can account for change in velocity, i.e. acceleration.

How do you increase the speed of a turn?

In general, the way to increase speed of a turn is to add more energy. And, depending on how that energy is added, it can result in either acceleration or change in vector, both technically can be considered a change in speed.

How can velocity change without changing the speed?

Consider velocity as consisting of a speed, and a direction. If any of the two changes - that is, if either the speed or the direction changes - then the velocity changes.