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Q: Did either of you experience any problems when breastfeeding your baby?
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What are the most common breastfeeding problems for new mothers?

Most mothers experience some sort of breastfeeding problem. These can include latching pain, cracked nipples, plugged/clogged problems, engorgement/high milk supply, thrush (infection), low milk supply, inverted or flat nipples, baby sleeping at breast, painful/overactive let down.

Does breastfeeding a baby make you hungrier than normal?

Yes; you are expending more calories than when you were pregnant (if your baby is exclusively breastfeeding)!

How long does breast milk provide baby with antibodies?

Your baby will get antibodies from breastfeeding throughout the time you are breastfeeding and for 2-3 months after weaning.

What are the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding for the baby?

breastfed children have a higher IQ and tend to be leaner with less digestive problems than formula fed babies.

How do you know if baby is satisfied after breastfeeding?

Your baby will stop feeding when it is satisfied.

Can a baby get chickenpox from breastfeeding?

sometimes, but not always

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding after milk dries up?

its not breastfeeding if the baby isn't getting fed, so no, its not possible

How will breastfeeding help your baby?

It will give your baby food/milk that helps the baby grow up healthy.

What does it mean when you see another woman breastfeeding a baby?

It probably means that the baby was hungry.

3 month old baby you breastfeed but you had not had your period yet are you pregnant?

From my experience while you are breastfeeing your period stops that's another benefit of breastfeeding. good luck and congrades

What is the point of a breastfeeding cushion?

To get a more comfortable position while breastfeeding, for both the baby and the woman. Also the baby gets closer to the breast, so it has an easier time eating.

Is doing drugs while breastfeeding harmful to baby?

first of all you spelled breast wrong. and yes doing drugs while breastfeeding if harmful to the baby. and if your doing drugs what are you doing? you have a baby. don't be stupid.