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Yes. The earliest birds evolved in the Late Jurassic and greatly diversified through the Cretaceous period, when the dinosaurs were still around.

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Q: Did flying birds coexist with land based dinosaurs?
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When were there flying dinosaurs?

What most people call "flying dinosaurs" were actually pterosaurs, flying reptiles that were unrelated to dinosaurs. However, birds are considered by most scientists to be a clade of dinosaurs, and thus birds are "flying dinosaurs."

During which prehistoric ere did dinosaurs roam the earth?

Dinosaurs and mammals coexisted during the Mesozoic era. If you count birds as dinosaurs, then they still coexist now in the Cenozoic.

What do you call a dinosaur flying through the sky?

Birds are the only dinosaurs that could fly. However, there were flying reptiles that were not dinosaurs. They were called pterosaurs.

Which different species of birds coexist?

There are a great many different species of birds that coexist. Finches, robins, and blue birds all coexist with each other for example.

Who made birds?

The one who made Beautiful Birds was our Lord Savior in Jesus Christ!!! Birds are thought to have evolved from the flying types of dinosaurs, such as the pterodactyl.

Where manaties with dinosaurs?

The non avian dinosaurs became extinct 65.5 million years ago. The earliest sirenians, (the order that includes manatees), didn't evolve until about 50 million years ago, 15 million years after the extinction of the non avian dinosaurs. However, scientists consider birds a group of dinosaurs, and, because birds still exist today, manatees do coexist with avian dinosaurs.

The name of the first flying dinosaur?

No known species of dinosaur was ever able to fly despite birds being believed to have evolved from them. The flying reptiles such as the pterodactylus, tapejara, geosternbergia and ornithocheirus etc are collectively known as 'pterosaurs'. Their taxonomy is considered different from the dinosaurs. The largest of the pterosaurs to be discovered so far is the Quetzalcoatlus.

What are dinosours related to?

Pterosaurs were closely related to the dinosaurs. Because birds have descended from dinosaurs, the closest living relatives of pterosaurs are birds. All birds are equally related to pterosaurs.

Are there land flying water dinosaurs?

Birds technically are a subgroup within dinosaurs. Seabirds spend time in the air, on land, and on or in the water. So the answer is yes.

What winged creature appeared during dinosaur time?

Pterosaurs, which were flying reptiles, evolved around the same time that dinosaurs did. Birds evolved from dinosaurs during the Age of Dinosaurs, too.

What was a flying dinosaur called?

What most people think of when they hear the phase ''Flying dinosaurs'' is animals like Pteranodon, Quetzalcoatlus and Rhamphorhynchus and the like. Those were 'flying reptiles' contemporary with dinosaurs. Such flying reptiles were called pterosaurs and they are notdinosaurs.However there are and were actual 'flying dinosaurs'.There is now overwhelming evidence that modern day birdsare a type of theropod dinosaur. Therefore the phase 'flying dinosaur' applies to them.The one of the biggest differences between pterosaurs and actual 'flying dinosaurs', the birds, is that the wing of a pterosaurs is made of a membrane whilst bird wings are made of feathers.

Are the dinosaurs that fly belong to dinosaur family?

Pterodactyls and Pterodons are not dinosaurs, but pterosaurs, an order of reptiles all its own. There are flying dinosaurs however; many scientists now agree that modern birds are, in fact, dinosaurs.