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sure. If that's what you want to believe.

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Q: Did god create the banana
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How do you make a banana on Facebook?

Making fake facebooks is simple. Just create a fake e-mail (you may never even use it), & then create it the same way you would create one for a real person. Then take a picture of a banana & set it as the profile picture.

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Islamic people worship a god called banana

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God is available by making one of the following combinations: Combine iron plate and rainbow to create god. Combine bomb store and devils farts to create god. Combine actor and science to create god.

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god didnt create anything. nature did. there is no explanation for climate changes.

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'GOD' didn't even create Earth there for he didn't move it from else where! :)

What did god create on the fifth year?

God didn't create anything on the fifth year, but he did create poultry and seafood on the fifth day.

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god created everything