

Did greek goddess Aphrodite have a weapon that she used?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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yes, her girldle. anyone who came near her fell in love. convenient, huh?

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Q: Did greek goddess Aphrodite have a weapon that she used?
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Yes. Looking at many different words that the English language has acquired, words that have prefix of or-, trace back to Greek roots. The Greek word "ora" which means "of the mouth" comonly used in text which described the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

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Who is cupid and why is he used to represent valentine's?

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What weapon did aphrodit have?

Well, Aphrodite wasn't really a warrior. She was more of a support group. Some myths say she battled with a single rose. Nothing has been really said about this in other myths. One of the main reasons that she wasn't a warrior was she actually may have started the "Trojan war"! different story tellers used to tell it differently.

What is the Greek Goddess Venus's other name?

Venus is the name of the goddess of love in Roman Mythology. Aphrodite is the goddess of love in Greek Mythology. Venus has no other name in Roman Mythology. There are epithets given to Venus that are used along with her name to describe aspects of her role or influence. For example, Venus Felix, which means Lucky Venus and Venus Libertina, which means Venus the Freedwoman. There are many of the epithets used to speak of Venus. For a full list and further detail about these see the related links.