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Q: Did hades give out special gifts to humans?
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What special powers did the helm of darkness give to hades?

It gave him the power to melt into the darkness and not be seen.

What did hades give?

Hades gave a whisker

Why did cyclops give his helmet to Hades?

The cyclops had made it for Hades.

What should be gifted on Father's Day?

There aren't certain things that should be given as gifts. Whatever you give should be something that your dad would want and enjoy. Going beyond the usual gifts to find something special will give some special meaning to the gift, and don't forget that the best gift is spending time with him.

What kind of gifts do the Netherlands people give?

what kind of gifts to the give in the netherlands

Where can I buy gifts for a special best friend?

A gift is special because you give it a special meaning. Any gift would please your friend because it will be a special gift from you. I suggest or They have a large selection to suit your needs

Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

What does hades give?

Hades gives a safe resting place to departed souls.

What present did the cyclopes give to hades?

the cyclops gave hades a helmet/mask

How do you give gifts on Movie Star Planet for free?

you cant give gifts for free