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Q: Did hello kitty kill her sister?
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Related questions

Who is hello kitty sister?

Hello Sissy. Obviously.

Does hello kitty have a cousin?

Hello Kitty has a twin sister named Mary White. (Hello Kitty is a nickname because she always says 'hello' to people. Her real name is Kitty White.) Mary and and her parents gave Hello Kitty her pet cat.Hello Kitty has a twin sister named Mimmy. (Mary is their mom!)

Why does hello kitty wear a bow?

Not many people know, but Hello Kitty is a twin! Hello Kitty wears her bow on the left ear! But her twin sister Mimmy (said Me-me) wears it on the right!!

Is mimmy a relative to hello kitty?

yes, mimmie is hello kittys sister

Is hello kitty's sister mean?

Yes, she is Mean

Does hello kitty have 3 sisters?

Hello Kitty has only 1 sister names Mimi .She has a yellow bow instead of red.

Does hello kitty have siblings?

Hello Kitty is a made up character and does not have a family . She is a product trademark to sell items and to make people money. __ Yes she does. According to the Hello Kitty website, Kitty has a twin sister called Mimmy.

How old is Hello Kitty's sister Mimi?

Mimi is the same age as Kitty because they're twins!

Where can you find a game to kill hello kitty?


What is hello kittys real name?

Kitty White (just saw the answer on WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE).Hello Kitty's real name is "Kitty White" her sister's name is, "Mimi (or Mimmy) White" and her parent's names are "Mary and George White".

Why does hello kitty have a bow?

So you can tell her apart from her twin sister, Mimi

Does hello kitty like pie?

No she doesn't, but she does love cookies that Mimmy bakes (her twin sister bakes) :)NO HELLO KITTY LIKES APPLE PIE ( that mommie makes) SO DONT LIE