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They were not already dead, they were gassed to death.

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Q: Did hilter really gas jews or were they already dead?
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What minority groups did Hilter pick on?


Was hilter retarded?

YES i am juish he was killing jews

What groups were targeted by hilter for the final solution?

The Jews.

What did hilter do after World War 1?

hilter was racist we know tha6 for a fact i learned that in social studies class and he did not like the Jews he put Jews to work for him after ww1

Hilter's attempted genocide of European Jews?

has been halted.

What was hitlers hatred against Jews and people who were different from him?

First of all, what you should really know is that Adolf Hilter, or anyone in his family, wasn't Jewish. There are many rumors that his grandma was, or that he was part Jewish, but for all we know, that is just a rumor. For some reason, when Hilter was young, around 14 years old, he was impressed with the governor of Vienna, Austria for his hatred against anti-Capitalism. Hilter decided that he was to be against Jews because many people at that time thought that Jews created problems and the problems where attributed to Jews somehow.

How many jews does it take to kill hitler?

Hitler is already dead.

How did hilter gain the power?

Hilter rose to power because he made everyone believe that the Jews gypies homosexuals ect. created all their problems

What was the moral of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust started because hilter had hatred towards the Jews.

Why some people might have gone to world war 2?

hilter was killing Jews

Did Stalin send Jews to cocentration camps like Hilter did?

No, Stalin was not anti-semitic

Who were the other ethnic groups that Hilter killed?

Hitler killed several kinds of Jews, including Polish Jews and German Jews. Hitler also killed Germans who were sympathetic to Jews.