

Best Answer

OH YEAH, They sure did! Its more likely they would have been the first to know!

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Q: Did his family know that Osama bin Laden had something to do in 911?
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When was The Osama bin Laden I Know created?

The Osama bin Laden I Know was created in 2006.

How do you know Osama bin Laden?

I Don't

Why can we land on the moon but can't find one man Osama bin Laden?

We knew where the moon was. We do not know where Osama bin Laden is.

How did the military know that it was Osama bin Laden's body?

Osama bin Laden's wife identified his body. They also performed DNA tests.

Were Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden friends?

Absolutely not.No. Conspiracy theorists however will believe the moon is made of cheese though.No, George Bush grew up in the United States. Osama bin Laden grew up in Saudi Arabia.The Bush family is not related or connected to Osama bin Laden.

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How did they know it was osama bin laden?

Because of DNA; it was proven to be his.

Was Osama bin Laden trying to kill president Obama?

Not that we know of.

What is Osama bin Laden know for?

For his terrorist activities and crimes against humanity

How did Dwayne the rock Johnson know that Osama bin Laden was dead?

the news.

Osama bin Laden hired by us?

We are close friends... if you have seen Osama shitt you know the real meaning of terrosim it stinks

Why doesnt Afghanistan help the US capture Osama bin Laden?

They would but they don't know where he is.