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yes t did change this world. if he didnt make the first car we would probably be walking to work or to school and that would take forever could you imagine

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Q: Did his invention change his world for Henry Ford?
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How did Henry ford's invention work?

i think henry ford did good at he's work

Was Henry Ford an villain?

Most people in the world would not consider Henry Ford to be a villain. Most people thing of him as a founder of a great invention that we still use today.

What is Henry Ford's most famous invention?

it was a telephone

Where did Henry ford get his idea for his invention?

From his own mind.

What other invention is Henry Ford known for?

Assembly line

How did henry ford's invention change the world?

Henry Fords' invention of the assembly line changed the world for these reasons: 1. he made the production of assembling cars faster. 2. he opened the eyes to creators in the world. 3. he gave jobs to poorer/less skilled people. 4. he gave cars to poorer people by making them cheaper by them being easier to make. 5. he created and easier world for everyone. That is all i really know about the invention.

How did Henry fords invention impact the world negatively?

Automobile emissions have had a big negative impact on our environment, and since Henry Ford made the automobile accessible to the average american there is probably no end to the damage that will be done by the invention of the automobile.

In addition to building automobiles what other invention is Henry ford for?

A+ all of them

How did Henry ford and his ford invention help society now?

uses our energy in a more efficient way

What was Henry Ford's greatest invention?

Moving assembly line. do your homework yourself!

What was Henry Ford's most important invention?

The assembly line to make cars

What was herny Ford invention?

Henry ford had diarrhea but yet constipated so he just pooped the way everyone did.