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Q: Did homoneaderthalensis used and controlled fire?
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What elements are used in remote controlled cars?

earth water wind & fire

Do they use fire in Antarctica?

Yes, controlled fire in the form of ovens, stove tops and camping equipment used for cooking.

Why is fire used?

Well you use fire to keep warm, cook something, melt something that is frozen, heat something up, and if controlled it can germinate seeds in a forest, fire has many uses.

What is fire management?

This is how fire is controlled from cradle to grave in all areas of fire outbreak.

What is ventilation controlled fire?

Ventilation-controlled firea fire where the fire growth is determined by the amount of air available. A ventilation-controlled fire occurs when there is not enough air to burn all the materials being pyrolyzed.RAKESH KUMAR MEENA , rk_fire@hotmail.comfor fire related question plz contact me by email.thank u

What are some questions about fire?

Let's see, some random questions about fire. What type of fire is it? Will it get out of control? Can it be controlled? Where is Smokey?(just kidding) What can be used to put it out? How hot is it? What happens if you put a battery in it? Do not try it, it explodes. What caused the fire?

Who controlled fire of the mythology gods?


How did caveman control fire?

cavemen controlled fire using cocks, hahahha

How did fire come from sango mouth?

Its not fire! shes just getting controlled

What is laminated water?

Its water that is controlled to reduce turbulence. This allows it to be squirted in a straighter and more controlled manor. This is used in fire hoses for example since the water has less turbulance and can be sprayed further.

Is electricity related to fire?

Yes. Electrical current that is not properly controlled can result in a fire.

Which class of fire is best put out with a fire extinguisher?

A controlled fire would be easier to aim at, so a candle.