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Job never turned his back on God. That was the whole moral of the story. That no matter what God put him through, he remained faithful to God.

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Q: Did job turn his back on god?
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No, she didn't.

How Satan question the loyalty of job to Jehovah?

Satan charged Job with serving Jehovah for selfish reasons. He claimed that the only reason Job worshiped God was because he had a good life. So he told Jehovah that if He was to take away all the good things in Job's life, Job would turn his back on Him. (Job 2:4,5) But Job proved Satan wrong and still kept his integrity to God despite the many woes that befell him.

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I believe that comes (oddly enough) from the L.M. Montgomery book Anne of Green Gables. Anne: Can't you even imagine you're in the depths of despair? Marilla: No, I cannot. To despair is to turn your back on God.

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No, they were all killed. God gave Job more children after his troubles ended.

How many times did David turn his back on God?

never he sinned, he backslid, made mistakes, but he never turn his back on the G=D of Israel

Where can you find the verse in the Bible that says who are we to question GOD?

Please read Job chapter 38 and 39. There Job questions God's wisdom and God speaks back to Job and shows Job's ignorance. However, to ask questions of God is not wrong. The problem is if we try and act like we know better than God. That is what could get us in problems.

Why do people turn to God in times of disaster?

People turn to God in times of disaster because he will always be there for you no matter what happens he loves you, and no matter what you have done he will never turn his back on you. Whatever you need to help and need someone to fall on God is there.

Did God kill the children of Job for being worldly?

God allowed Job's family to die because he wanted to see how faithful Job was and if he would still love God even if he lost it all. Job did love God, but he doubted. God literally talked to him and asked him several different questions. It is such an interesting book to read because it shows just how much God does for us. At the end of Job, he has everything back plus extra because he shows his faithfulness.

In the book of psalms Did god turn his back on Jesus on the cross?

Psalms is old testament ... that's BC.

What does it mean to turn your back on God and the Devil?

Dude that means your turning to Allah.. you wouldn't want that now do you

Why do people often feel so much pain?

The sin of humanity and their need to turn back to God

My friends atheist bf died and now she won't look to God because if she accepts Christianity she has to accept her bf went to hell. How can I turn her back to God?

Get inspired and trust that God will help you out.