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Q: Did john Locke and Thomas Hobbes argue that people have a set of natural rights and give some up to society?
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What did thomas hobbes think of human beings?

Thomas Hobbes believed that humans were naturally selfish, competitive, and driven by a desire for power and self-preservation. He argued that in a state of nature, without government or authority to keep them in check, humans would be in a constant state of war with one another.

What do people think of Thomas hobbes?

i think thomas hobbes is a very intelligent man! but his book the LEVIATHAN is very strang..

Who believed that people should hand over their rights to a ruler in exchange for law and order?

Thomas Hobbes

Who said that people are innately bad?

Thomas Hobbes

Who said people are naturally bad?

Thomas Hobbes

Who believed people were born evil?

Thomas Hobbes

What is the difference in worldview between John Locke and Thomas Hobbes?

John Locke believed in natural rights, social contract theory, and the idea that individuals have the right to revolt against an unjust government. Thomas Hobbes, on the other hand, believed in a more pessimistic view of human nature, emphasizing the need for a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos. Locke's worldview focused more on individual liberty and limited government, while Hobbes prioritized the need for strong and absolute political authority.

Who thought that people where naturally selfish and violent?

Thomas Hobbes, an English philosopher, believed that people are naturally selfish and violent. He argued that in the absence of laws and authority to keep them in check, humans would descend into a state of war where life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" due to their selfish and aggressive nature.

Why did Thomas Hobbes think people were bad?

He had a terrible childhood.

What did Thomas Hobbes and john Locke both believe?

They both believed that, in a social contract, in which people give up individual freedom to live in an organized society.

What did Thomas hobbes do?

Thomas Hobbes was an important enlightenment thinker. In his masterpiece Leviathan he said that people by nature were selfish and ambitious. He believed that the type of government needed to control this was absolute monarchy. It was a king of social contract or agreement among members of society, people submitted to an authoritarian ruler to prevent disorder. Although he was a monarchist , his idea of a social contract was important for the developement of democracy.(The answer is in italics in the end.)

What describes the ideas of Hobbes and Rousseau?

Hobbes believed in a social contract that necessitated a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos. Rousseau, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of individual freedom and the idea of the general will, where decisions are made collectively for the common good. They both had differing views on the nature of human beings and the role of government in society.