

Did kyo sohma's mom really hate him?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, she just felt betrayed that he didn't save her.

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Q: Did kyo sohma's mom really hate him?
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NO. She was hit by a car. Kyo was simply near her. He could've saved her but that also meant revealing the secret of the curse to everyone.

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Usually when a child says "i hate you mom/dad" it's because their mad at you. Or they don't agree with you and want it their way. Sometimes their mad at their parents and that's why they say "i hate you mom/dad". They don't really hate you. They'll just feel that way for some hours or a day. Max 2 days. Soon they'll forget about it and say "i love you mom/dad". You could also try talking to your children when they say they hate you.

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Warning!!! Spoilers!! Kyo could've jumped in front of Kyoko (Tohru's mom) to take the hit instead. But he would've collided with her and poofed into his cat form so he didn't move and she got hit by the car and died. Kyo was torn by this and went to the mountains to train and work off his shame.

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