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Q: Did michael montagne really make the atomic bomb?
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What were the short term effects of the atomic bomb on Japan?

Complete and utter devastation. Michael Montagne

What countries have developed the atomic bomb?

The United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, India, Pakistan, North Korea and, although they never admit it, in all probability, Israel. Michael Montagne

Did albert Einstein really invent the atomic bomb?

No, he didn't. Leo Szilard invented the atomic bomb.

Did the atomic bomb really cause leukemia?


Is the invention of the atomic bomb related to the UN?

Not really.

What did sadako call the atomic bomb?

well,first off..he called the atomic bomb something important in history and important in real life.i dont really know what she called the atomic bomb..BUT she called cancer the atomic bomb disease..interesting huh?

What effect did the USSR have on the United States decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan?

None whatsoever. Michael Montagne The bombing of Japan with the atomic bomb served as a signal to the USSR that the US not only had the bomb, but that the US government was also crazy enough the use it. Simply having the bomb and ending the war - the Japanese had been offering to surrender for months before the bombing -- would have left the possibility open that the US would not use the bomb, but just bluff with it.

Did the atomic bomb of hiroshma miss its target and instead hit a hospital?

It really doesn't matter what the target was in Hiroshima. Virtually everything was destroyed by the atomic bomb.

Why was Stalin not surprised that the United States had the atomic bomb?

The United States government was deeply penetrated with Soviet spies. Even one of the senior scientists on the Manhattan Project itself was a communist agent who regularly passed information along to Moscow. Stalin knew all about it. Michael Montagne Stalin holded a meeting with USSR famous scientists in 1942 , researched A- bomb ! USSR knowed A-bomb by Britain USSR understanded that make A-bomb by USA

Will an atomic bomb really destroy the world?

Given the power of modern atomic bombs, it is unlikely that a single atomic bomb could destroy the world. It is doubtful that a single atomic bomb could cause irreparable damage to civilization (given humanity's spread across the planet etc)

How was an atomic bomb repaired?

how was the atomic bomb repaired

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.