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Q: Did most people in Egypt live in caves?
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Where in Egypt do people live today?

Most people in Egypt live in Egypt.

Where do the most egyptians live today?

Most people in Egypt live in Egypt.

Why do most eygptions live in Egypt?

First it is Egyptians with "a" not "o" Egyptians live in Egypt because most people live in their own country. Egypt is the best place in the world. Because they would not be Egyptians if they did not live there...doh

Where did stone-age people live?

stone age people populated most of the world and specifically lived in caves

Where did stone age people live?

Stone Age people lived in a variety of environments, including caves, rock shelters, and open-air settlements. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers, living in locations where they could easily access food sources such as game animals, fish, fruits, and plants. Their settlements could be found across the globe, from Africa to Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania.

What delta do most people live in Egypt?

The Nile Delta

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They lived in the egypt

Where do most Egypt people live?

near the amazon river

What city do most people live in Egypt?

The Biggest City in Egypt is Cairo with around 14 million people living in it.

How do physical characteristics influence where people live in Egypt?

how do physical characteristics influence where people live in Egypt Without your mom Egypt would be a desert.

Where do most Egyptian live?

Most Egyptians live in Egypt and within Egypt, most live along the Nile River Valley. Cairo, Egypt, one of the many cities on the Nile River, is the largest city in Africa with a population of 15 million people.

Were did most people live in Egypt map?

Most people live around the Nile because the ground there is fertile so they can grow food.