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Q: Did mt baker shoot out volcanic rock when it erupted?
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Related questions

What is molten rock used for after when erupted?

There is no use for molten rock from volcanic eruptions.

What else can be erupted out of volcano apart from lava?

Things that can be erupted include volcanic ash, pumice, solid rock fragments, and gas.

Which Rock is used To Make skin scrubber?

An extrusive volcanic rock which is erupted under water called pumice.

How many times has mount baker erupted?

It has erupted once maybe twice nobody knows which one for sure

What volcanoes consist primarily of erupted volcanic ash and rock fragments held together loosely?

Shield Volcano

Is pluton a volcanic rock?

I learned about this when I was in the seventh grade. Pumice is volcanic. It was made by nature when lava and gases was thrown out of a volcano. As the gas bubbles escaped from the lava, it become frothy. When the lava cooled and hardened, the result was a very light rock material filled with tiny bubbles of gas.

What do you call molten rock before it has erupted?

What do you call molten rock before it has erupted

What type of rock that would be formed from the eyjallajokull volcano that erupted in iceland?

Rock that forms as a result of volcanic activity, whether recent or ancient, is called igneous rock. Igneous rocks can later become sedimentary or metamorphic, but that takes time.

Why do different rocks have different properties?

Volcanic rocks differ based on the composition of the magma they come from, the manner in which they are erupted, and how quickly they cool. All of these can affect a rock's properties.

Is pumice a volcanic rock?

Yes,it is a volcanic rock.

Can you make fire with volcanic rock?

No. Volcanic rock is not flammable.

What do you call molten after it has erupted?

What you call molten rock after it has erupted is lava.